Q. 請問每人最多可以買幾張大港票券?
2022大港開唱音樂祭活動票券 (含單日/雙日/愛心票) 已全數完售,現場將不再販售任何票券。
>> 一般票券(純大港開唱活動門票)
ibon 票務客服專線:0800-016-138、(02)2659-9900(24小時)
是的,本活動單獨售票,不包含在 2022大港開唱 單日/雙日票內,相關規定如下:
1. 每張船票僅可搭船一次,不可重複搭乘。
2. 請於各場次開船前20分鐘至大雄丸登船處進行驗票手續,船班準時發船,遲到恕不等候,也不得退票。
3. 年滿18歲者,隨票飲料將提供啤酒一罐。未滿18歲者,隨票飲料將提供可樂一罐。請攜帶相關身份證明以供工作人員查驗,若無出示相關身份證明者,視為未滿18歲。
4. 本演出為特殊舞台,演出過程將實際開船出海,請考量自身身心狀況再行購票。
請參閱 ibon 票劵加購高鐵說明:https://ticket.ibon.com.tw/NewsInfo/Details/2489
註1:旅客可在高鐵票務通路預訂 29 天內(含乘車當日)之車票;每逢週五及週六至多可預訂四週後至週日之車票。 對號座車票於表訂開車時刻前一定時間停止販售,詳見企業網站購票資訊。
註2:以 3/26 的大港開唱為例,可購買高鐵出發日期為 3/23-3/26,回程日期可選擇出發日期之後四天(含出發日期當天)
票種 | 去程可乘車日期 | 回程可乘車日期 |
3/26 單日票 | 2022/3/23 – 2022/3/26 | 出發日期之後四天(含出發日期當天) |
3/27 單日票 | 2022/3/24 – 2022/3/27 | 出發日期之後四天(含出發日期當天) |
雙日聯票 | 2022/3/23 – 2022/3/26 | 出發日期之後四天(含出發日期當天) |
A已取車票(含 T-EX 取票):無法於 ibon 售票網站辦理變更或取消,至遲請於發車前 30 分鐘持票至高鐵車站售票窗口辦理變更退票,或於原取票之便利商店辦理退票,票款一律扣除手續費用後退回現金。
B未取車票:請於 ibon 售票網站中的高鐵訂單裡點選「申請退票」,至遲請於發車前 2 小時辦理申請,無須扣除手續費。
C取消行程 :取消行程須一併辦理高鐵優惠車票退票,不得單獨保留;如違反專案規範單獨使用優惠車票,高鐵公司保有追溯優惠差額之權利。
D尚未取票:請依 ibon 售票系統之規範辦理,或逕洽購買 ibon 客服人員處理。
E已取票:已取車票(含 T-EX 取票)至遲請於發車前 30 分鐘持票至高鐵車站售票窗口或原取票之便利商店門市辦理退票後,再至系統取消原行程。
註1:高鐵車票扣除手續費後為全額退費,行程取消規則依 ibon 售票系統規範為準。
註2:如有任何操作疑問,可直接聯繫ibon票務客服:0800-016-138、(02)2659-9900 (24小時),將會有專人服務說明。
大港開唱活動當天,請至大港會場入口拱門旁 P3 倉庫,進入倉庫請依照工作人員引導分流,憑票兌換活動識別手環(手環分成雙日和單日兩種),即可憑手環輕鬆暢行活動場域裡的各個舞台觀賞演出,但部分演出場地留容人數有上限,請及早入場、以免向隅;另外大雄丸舞台需另外購票,憑票上船。
2022/3/26(六) 09:00 起
2022/3/27(日) 10:00 起
兩天都是預計 11:40 節目開始,22:00 前結束所有演出。
A. 各區域進場人數達場域限制之 80% 時,衛生局稽查人員將在入口處進行人流管制。大雄丸為單獨售票活動,不在此限。
B. 進入室內舞台及飲食區域時,需掃描各區域專屬1922簡訊實聯制,方可入場。
大港每年都會有寄物區的規劃,地點在 P3 倉庫。每人單次寄物一件,一件 50 元。
2022/3/26(六)09:00 – 22:30(不接受隔夜保管)
2022/3/27(日)10:00 – 22:30(不接受隔夜保管)
有的!但需自備容器裝水,持手環者每次加水須酌收 10 元,無手環者每次加水須酌收 20 元。
若有其他攤位相關提案請洽 megaportfest@gmail.com
How many tickets can each person purchase?
How many tickets can be bought with the Megaporter code?
Can I purchase different types of tickets at the same time?
Yes, but up to 4 tickets. The maximum number of tickets for each tixCraft account is 4.
Can I share my Megaporter code with others?
Please note that each individual code can only be used once.
I am a Megaporter but I didn’t manage to purchase tickets on Jan 16, can I still compete for tickets available from Jan 17?
Yes. Megaporters are not only entitled to purchase tickets with a cheaper price one day in advance, they also enjoy the second chance for presale tickets.
Can I purchase Megaport tickets for my friends?
The name-based system on tixCraft requires member names and cannot be modified. Therefore, the ticket should be purchased only by participants.
Do I need to write my real name?
Yes. Please offer your real name. Taiwanese citizens need to provide the same name as on the ID card. Foreign participants should enter the same name as stated on their passports. We do not accept nicknames or names like Taipei Pedro Pascal.
Can I re-enter my name?
No. tixCraft does not offer name modification. Please carefully confirm when entering data. Please contact tixCraft customer service department shall you encounter any ticket purchase issues.
What can I do if I entered my name incorrectly?
Please apply for refund and purchase your ticket again. However, you are not guaranteed to acquire the tickets once they were released again after the refund process.
Can I sell my name-based tickets to others?
No. We will check your ID card/health card/driving license/passport at the entrance.
Are there tickets other than name-based ones?
No. All 2025 Megaport Music Festival tickets are name-based tickets. Please do not purchase tickets from unknown sources.
If I accidentally entered the wrong name, what can I do to secure tickets?
Confirm the number of tickets you would like to purchase. The system will allow ten minutes for confirmation. Please kindly comply with the rules.
What is there are people with the same name as me in the same order?
Please enter real names for each ticket. Staff will check ID card/health card/driving license/passport (foreigners) for admission.
What does it mean when the webpage shows 10 minutes countdown?
When entering your name, the ticket system will secure your ticket for ten minutes. Please submit after confirmation. The system will only release your ticket if you fail to submit after ten minutes or if your payment failed.
Can I enter my name in English?
Yes. The English name needs to be identical to your name on the passport and you will need to show your passport instead of other identification cards for admission.
Can foreigners purchase tickets? How will the identification be checked?
Yes. Please show your passport for admission.
Can I show images of my ID card/health card/driving license/passport from my cellphone?
No. Please present the original copies.
Can I present student card or membership card?
No. We only accept original copies of ID card/health card/driving license/passport.
At admission, what happens if the name on the ticket is different from my real name?
You will not be able to receive the concert bracelet.
What are the procedures for ticket pickups and refunds?
Please search for “ticket pickup” and “ticket refund” pages on tixCraft website.
When applying for refund. Do I need to refund the whole order?
You can refund the other three tickets individually, but the person who purchased the ticket should be the one to apply for refunds. When applying for refund (whether full refund or partial refund), the applicant doesn’t have to be the same as the one who purchased the ticket.
How late can I apply for refunds?
You can apply for refund within three days after purchasing the tickets. If you purchase your ticket on Jan 16, please apply for refund latest by 23:59 on Jan 19.
Will on-site tickets be sold on the day of the Megaport Festival?
All tickets for the 2025 Megaport Festival, including single-day, two-day, and accessibility tickets, have been sold out, and no tickets will be sold on-site.
Can I get a refund after purchasing the ticket?
Please refer to the regulations on the ticketing page for refund policy. If you still have questions, please contact the customer service hotline of the ticketing system.
Megaport Festival tickets
【Refund and Exchange Policy】https://tixcraft.com/activity/detail/23_megaport
TixCraft ticketing customer service hotline: +886 (02) 8772-9835
Service hours: Monday to Friday 10:00-12:30 | 13:30-18:00 (Closed on national holidays)
What should I do if I lose my Megaport ticket?
All sold tickets are considered valuable securities. If the ticket is lost, damaged, burnt, or unreadable, it will not be reissued. Therefore, please be sure to keep your ticket safe!
The tickets are made of thermal paper, so please avoid possible factors such as high temperatures, oil stains, alcohol, etc. that may cause damage to the tickets.
Does the Daiyu Maru require a separate ticket?
Yes, this event requires a separate ticket and is not included in the 2025 Megaport Festival single/double day ticket. The relevant regulations are as follows:
Each boat ticket can only be used once and cannot be used repeatedly.
Please check in at the Daiyu Maru boarding area 20 minutes before each departure time. The boat will depart on time and will not wait for latecomers or issue refunds.
For those who are 18 years old or above, a can of beer will be provided and for those who are under 18 years old, a can of sparkling water will be provided. Please bring relevant identification for verification. Those who cannot provide relevant identification will be considered under 18 years old.
The special stage on the ship will actually set sail during the performance. Please consider your own physical and mental condition before purchasing tickets.
How can I redeem my wristband and enter the event on the day of the activity?
Please visit P2 warehouse near the entrance or the art plaza in the Pier-2 Art Center and follow the staff’s guidance to redeem your wristband (available in two types: two-day or single-day) by presenting your ticket and identification (either your ID card, health insurance card, or passport). You can use the wristband to easily access the various stages. However, some venues have limited capacity, so please enter early. In addition, for the Daiyu Maru stage, a separate ticket is required, which can be obtained by boarding the ship with the ticket.
Can I get a replacement if I lose my wristband?
The wristband is equivalent to a ticket once it has been redeemed. Please do not remove, cut, or attempt to reattach the wristband in any way, as any damage will render it invalid and cannot be replaced. If you feel uncomfortable wearing the wristband, please seek assistance from the service desk and do not remove the wristband on your own.
What time does the wristband redemption start at the Megaport Music Festival?
March 29, 2025 (Saturday) from 09:00 to 21:00
March 30, 2025 (Sunday) from 10:00 to 21:00
Is there an age limit for admission?
Megaport Music Festival welcomes people of all ages to enjoy the event! Children under 12 years old can enter for free but must be accompanied by at least one ticket-holding adult. Each ticket-holding adult can bring up to two children for free, and please bring identification (such as health insurance card, ID card, etc.) that shows the children’s date of birth. The organizers reserve the right to check the identification of attendees.
What time does the event start and end?
The program is scheduled to start at 12:30 am on both days and all performances will end before 10:00 pm.
Can we take photos at the performances?
Yes, you can take photos, but please don’t keep taking them!
If some performances have regulations that prohibit photography and recording, please cooperate with the on-site announcements and staff instructions to put away all recording equipment.
It is recommended to enjoy the music with all your senses open while watching the performance!
When will the schedule and stage map be released?
Due to the complex arrangements of the performers and stages, the music festival is still working on various details, but the detailed program schedule and stage map will be announced no later than two weeks before the event. Please wait patiently for related announcements.
Are there any crowd control measures?
In accordance with the Kaohsiung City’s large-scale gathering plan, when the capacity of each stage area reaches 90%, entry of the audience will be suspended.
The Daiyu Maru is a separately ticketed event and is not subject to this restriction.
Will the stage be cleared after each performance?
All stages won’t be cleared.
If I want to watch a performance at the Southern Overlord stage, will there be a time when I cannot pass through the Da Gang Bridge?
The Da Gang Bridge will stop rotating during event, so you can walk across the bridge at any time to watch the performance!
What should I do if I am sexually harassed by someone nearby while watching the performance?
Please bravely seek help from people nearby or request assistance from staff wearing uniforms, and report to the nearest police station to protect yourself and others.
What should I do if I can’t get into the stage I want to watch? Can I get a refund for my ticket?
No. Each stage must have a capacity limit for public safety considerations. If there is a performance that you really want to see, it is recommended to arrive early. If you can’t get into the stage you want to watch, don’t forget that there are many other exciting performances for you to discover. You can also explore various creative products, participate in interesting interactive activities, enjoy food, or have fun with friends at the harbor!
Can official merchandise be pre-ordered? When will pre-ordered items be shipped?
Some merchandise was available for pre-order this year, but the pre-order period has ended. Don’t worry if you missed the pre-order, as other merchandise will still be available for purchase at the event. Please come early!
For any questions related to pre-ordering merchandise, please contact the support team at https://ciongzomegaport.chunmu-studio.com/
Do I need to buy tickets to visit NGO booths, markets, official merchandise, MEGAFUN, and family areas?
Except for paid stages, all other activity areas are free to attend and do not require a wristband.
Is there a baggage check area at the event?
Yes, a baggage check area is planned each year at P2 Warehouse. One item can be checked per person for a fee of 100 NT.
The service hours are:
2025/03/29 (Sat) 09:00-23:00 (no overnight storage)
2025/03/30 (Sun) 10:00-23:00 (no overnight storage)
Valuable items and personal identification should be kept with you at all times. The organizer is not responsible for any loss or damage.
Is there a smoking area at the event?
A designated smoking area will be provided at the event. Smoking is prohibited in all other areas of the event. Please do not litter cigarette butts.
Can I ride a bike or skateboard at the event?
During the Megaport Festival, the large crowds and stage areas make it inconvenient to ride bikes or skateboards. In order to avoid affecting the traffic safety, riding bikes or skateboards is prohibited in all areas except for staff and brand-designated experience areas.
Are there any restrictions on food and drinks?
Indoor stages such as Dragon King, Ocean Waves, Na Pochio, and Laurus Canus prohibit food and drinks, and please do not place food or drinks at the entrance of the stages.
Are there water refill stations?
Yes, there is one, but please bring your own container. For wristband holders, it is 10 NT per refill, and for non-wristband holders, it is 20 NT per refill.
If you do not have a container, eco-friendly tableware can be rented at the event.
Can I bring my pet to the event?
Pets are generally allowed except in indoor stages, but please be mindful of the large crowds and take care of your furry friend.
What should I do if I feel unwell or suffer from heatstroke at the event?
Please seek medical assistance at the nearest first aid station.
I love the decorations and flags in the venue, can I take one home?
No! All decorations in the venue are assets of the organizers. Please do not take them without permission. The organizers reserve the right to take legal action.
Are you recruiting volunteers?
There is currently no plan to recruit volunteers for MegaPort Festival. We hope that music lovers can focus solely on enjoying the music and atmosphere at the festival. Please help us enjoy the performances that we ourselves would love to see so much that we might go on strike!
Will there be booths available for lease? How do I sign up for a booth?
Recruitment has already ended due to full capacity.
For proposals related to other booths, please contact megaportfest@gmail.com.
How many tickets can each person purchase?
How many tickets can be bought with the Megaporter code?
Can I purchase different types of tickets at the same time?
Yes, but up to 4 tickets. The maximum number of tickets for each tixCraft account is 4.
Can I share my Megaporter code with others?
Please note that each individual code can only be used once.
I am a Megaporter but I didn’t manage to purchase tickets on Jan 6, can I still compete for tickets available from Jan 7?
Yes. Megaporters are not only entitled to purchase tickets with a cheaper price one day in advance, they also enjoy the second chance for presale tickets.
Can I purchase Megaport tickets for my friends?
The name-based system on tixCraft requires member names and cannot be modified. Therefore, the ticket should be purchased only by participants.
Do I need to write my real name?
Yes. Please offer your real name. Taiwanese citizens need to provide the same name as on the ID card. Foreign participants should enter the same name as stated on their passports. We do not accept nicknames or names like Taipei Pedro Pascal.
Can I re-enter my name?
No. tixCraft does not offer name modification. Please carefully confirm when entering data. Please contact tixCraft customer service department shall you encounter any ticket purchase issues.
What can I do if I entered my name incorrectly?
Please apply for refund and purchase your ticket again. However, you are not guaranteed to acquire the tickets once they were released again after the refund process.
Can I sell my name-based tickets to others?
No. We will check your ID card or Health card at the entrance.
Are there tickets other than name-based ones?
No. All 2023 Megaport Music Festival tickets are name-based tickets. Please do not purchase tickets from unknown sources.
If I accidentally entered the wrong name, what can I do to secure tickets?
Confirm the number of tickets you would like to purchase. The system will allow ten minutes for confirmation. Please kindly comply with the rules.
What is there are people with the same name as me in the same order?
Please enter real names for each ticket. Staff will check ID card/health card/passports (foreigners) for admission.
What does it mean when the webpage shows 10 minutes countdown?
When entering your name, the ticket system will secure your ticket for ten minutes. Please submit after confirmation. The system will only release your ticket if you fail to submit after ten minutes or if your payment failed.
Can I enter my name in English?
Yes. The English name needs to be identical to your name on the passport and you will need to show your passport instead of other identification cards for admission.
Can foreigners purchase tickets? How will the identification be checked?
Yes. Please show your passport for admission.
Can I show images of my ID card/health card/passport from my cellphone?
No. Please present the original copies.
Can I present driver’s license, student card or membership card?
No. We only accept original copies of ID card/health card and passport.
At admission, what happens if the name on the ticket is different from my real name?
You will not be able to receive the concert bracelet.
What are the procedures for ticket pickups and refunds?
Please search for “ticket pickup” and “ticket refund” pages on tixCraft website.
When applying for refund. Do I need to refund the whole order?
You can refund the other three tickets individually, but the person who purchased the ticket should be the one to apply for refunds. When applying for refund (whether full refund or partial refund), the applicant doesn’t have to be the same as the one who purchased the ticket.
How late can I apply for refunds?
You can apply for refund within three days after purchasing the tickets. If you purchase your ticket on Jan 6, please apply for refund latest by 23:59 on Jan 9.
How do I purchase disabled tickets?
Please download the order form from the program website and fax your order together with the copy of you disability handbook to 02-8772-9853.
Does Megaport Festival provide facilities for audience with disabilities?
There are four disabled toilets and mobile toilets.
Ramps are available except for the stage located at Warehouse C6 by Pier-2 Art Center, which has limited access due to the venue’s unique design, with only stairs as the entrance.
The venue is configured with a reserved distance of more than 1.5 meters wide for wheelchair users to pass through.
Does Megaport Festival provide services for people with disabilities?
Megaport Festival has set up two service counters located in P3 Warehouse and the food court to provide services for people with disabilities.
The service counters have staff s to provide sign language interpretation services.
Three medical stations are available to provide wheelchair rental services.
The service counter at P3 Warehouse provides ticket checking and wristband redemption services for Accessibility Ticket holders.
Will on-site tickets be sold on the day of the Megaport Festival?
All tickets for the 2023 Megaport Festival, including single-day, two-day, and accessibility tickets, have been sold out, and no tickets will be sold on-site.
How can I buy accessibility tickets?
The Megaport Festival accessibility tickets are only available for single-day pre-sale and have been sold out. No on-site tickets will be available.
▲ Holders of accessibility tickets should visit the service counters for wristbands. Please present the original disability certificate. The accompanying person must enter at the same time. If there is no valid identification or the holder is not present, the entry will be denied.
Can I get a refund after purchasing the ticket?
Please refer to the regulations on the ticketing page for refund policy. If you still have questions, please contact the customer service hotline of the ticketing system.
Megaport Festival tickets
【Refund and Exchange Policy】https://tixcraft.com/activity/detail/23_megaport
TixCraft ticketing customer service hotline: +886 (02) 8772-9835
Service hours: Monday to Friday 10:00-12:30 | 13:30-18:00 (Closed on national holidays)
What should I do if I lose my Megaport ticket?
All sold tickets are considered valuable securities. If the ticket is lost, damaged, burnt, or unreadable, it will not be reissued. Therefore, please be sure to keep your ticket safe!
The tickets are made of thermal paper, so please avoid possible factors such as high temperatures, oil stains, alcohol, etc. that may cause damage to the tickets.
Does the Daiyu Maru require a separate ticket?
Yes, this event requires a separate ticket and is not included in the 2023 Megaport Festival single/double day ticket. The relevant regulations are as follows:
Each boat ticket can only be used once and cannot be used repeatedly.
Please check in at the Daiyu Maru boarding area 20 minutes before each departure time. The boat will depart on time and will not wait for latecomers or issue refunds.
For those who are 18 years old or above, a can of beer will be provided and for those who are under 18 years old, a can of sparkling water will be provided. Please bring relevant identification for verification. Those who cannot provide relevant identification will be considered under 18 years old.
The special stage on the ship will actually set sail during the performance. Please consider your own physical and mental condition before purchasing tickets.
How can I redeem my wristband and enter the event on the day of the activity?
Please visit P3 warehouse near the entrance or the art plaza in the Pier-2 Art Center and follow the staff’s guidance to redeem your wristband (available in two types: two-day or single-day) by presenting your ticket and identification (either your ID card, health insurance card, or passport). You can use the wristband to easily access the various stages. However, some venues have limited capacity, so please enter early. In addition, for the Daiyu Maru stage, a separate ticket is required, which can be obtained by boarding the ship with the ticket.
Can I get a replacement if I lose my wristband?
The wristband is equivalent to a ticket once it has been redeemed. Please do not remove, cut, or attempt to reattach the wristband in any way, as any damage will render it invalid and cannot be replaced. If you feel uncomfortable wearing the wristband, please seek assistance from the service desk and do not remove the wristband on your own.
What time does the wristband redemption start at the Megaport Music Festival?
April 1, 2023 (Saturday) from 08:00 to 21:00
April 2, 2023 (Sunday) from 10:00 to 21:00
Is there an age limit for admission?
Megaport Music Festival welcomes people of all ages to enjoy the event! Children under 12 years old can enter for free but must be accompanied by at least one ticket-holding adult. Each ticket-holding adult can bring up to two children for free, and please bring identification (such as health insurance card, ID card, etc.) that shows the children’s date of birth. The organizers reserve the right to check the identification of attendees.
What time does the event start and end?
The program is scheduled to start at 11:40 am on both days and all performances will end before 10:00 pm.
Can we take photos at the performances?
Yes, you can take photos, but please don’t keep taking them!
If some performances have regulations that prohibit photography and recording, please cooperate with the on-site announcements and staff instructions to put away all recording equipment.
It is recommended to enjoy the music with all your senses open while watching the performance!
When will the schedule and stage map be released?
Due to the complex arrangements of the performers and stages, the music festival is still working on various details, but the detailed program schedule and stage map will be announced no later than two weeks before the event. Please wait patiently for related announcements.
Are there any crowd control measures?
In accordance with the Kaohsiung City’s large-scale gathering plan, when the capacity of each stage area reaches 90%, entry of the audience will be suspended.
The Daiyu Maru is a separately ticketed event and is not subject to this restriction.
Will the stage be cleared after each performance?
The Ocean Waves and the Nâ Pó Chiōh stages will be cleared after each performance, the other stages won’t be cleared.
If I want to watch a performance at the Southern Overlord stage, will there be a time when I cannot pass through the Da Gang Bridge?
The Da Gang Bridge will stop rotating during event, so you can walk across the bridge at any time to watch the performance!
Are there tickets other than name-based ones?
No. All 2023 Megaport Music Festival tickets are name-based tickets. Please do not purchase tickets from unknown sources.
If I accidentally entered the wrong name, what can I do to secure tickets?
Confirm the number of tickets you would like to purchase. The system will allow ten minutes for confirmation. Please kindly comply with the rules.
What is there are people with the same name as me in the same order?
Please enter real names for each ticket. Staff will check ID card/health card/passports (foreigners) for admission.
What does it mean when the webpage shows 10 minutes countdown?
When entering your name, the ticket system will secure your ticket for ten minutes. Please submit after confirmation. The system will only release your ticket if you fail to submit after ten minutes or if your payment failed.
Can I enter my name in English?
Yes. The English name needs to be identical to your name on the passport and you will need to show your passport instead of other identification cards for admission.
Can foreigners purchase tickets? How will the identification be checked?
Yes. Please show your passport for admission.
Can I show images of my ID card/health card/passport from my cellphone?
No. Please present the original copies.
Can I present driver’s license, student card or membership card?
No. We only accept original copies of ID card/health card and passport.
At admission, what happens if the name on the ticket is different from my real name?
You will not be able to receive the concert bracelet.
What are the procedures for ticket pickups and refunds?
Please search for “ticket pickup” and “ticket refund” pages on tixCraft website.
When applying for refund. Do I need to refund the whole order?
You can refund the other three tickets individually, but the person who purchased the ticket should be the one to apply for refunds. When applying for refund (whether full refund or partial refund), the applicant doesn’t have to be the same as the one who purchased the ticket.
How late can I apply for refunds?
You can apply for refund within three days after purchasing the tickets. If you purchase your ticket on Jan 6, please apply for refund latest by 23:59 on Jan 9.
How do I purchase disabled tickets?
Please download the order form from the program website and fax your order together with the copy of you disability handbook to 02-8772-9853.
What time does the event start and end?
The program is scheduled to start at 11:40 am on both days and all performances will end before 10:00 pm.
Can we take photos at the performances?
Yes, you can take photos, but please don’t keep taking them!
If some performances have regulations that prohibit photography and recording, please cooperate with the on-site announcements and staff instructions to put away all recording equipment.
It is recommended to enjoy the music with all your senses open while watching the performance!
When will the schedule and stage map be released?
Due to the complex arrangements of the performers and stages, the music festival is still working on various details, but the detailed program schedule and stage map will be announced no later than two weeks before the event. Please wait patiently for related announcements.
Are there any crowd control measures?
In accordance with the Kaohsiung City’s large-scale gathering plan, when the capacity of each stage area reaches 90%, entry of the audience will be suspended.
The Daiyu Maru is a separately ticketed event and is not subject to this restriction.
Will the stage be cleared after each performance?
The OCEAN WAVES and the Nâ Pó Chiōh stages will be cleared after each performance, the other stages won’t be cleared.
If I want to watch a performance at the Southern Overlord stage, will there be a time when I cannot pass through the Da Gang Bridge?
The Da Gang Bridge will stop rotating during event, so you can walk across the bridge at any time to watch the performance!
What should I do if I am sexually harassed by someone nearby while watching the performance?
Please bravely seek help from people nearby or request assistance from staff wearing uniforms, and report to the nearest police station to protect yourself and others.
What should I do if I can’t get into the stage I want to watch? Can I get a refund for my ticket?
No. Each stage must have a capacity limit for public safety considerations. If there is a performance that you really want to see, it is recommended to arrive early. If you can’t get into the stage you want to watch, don’t forget that there are many other exciting performances for you to discover. You can also explore various creative products, participate in interesting interactive activities, enjoy food, or have fun with friends at the harbor!
Can official merchandise be pre-ordered? When will pre-ordered items be shipped?
Some merchandise was available for pre-order this year, but the pre-order period has ended. Don’t worry if you missed the pre-order, as other merchandise will still be available for purchase at the event. Please come early!
For any questions related to pre-ordering merchandise, please contact the support team at http://megaportfest.oen.tw/.
Do I need to buy tickets to visit NGO booths, markets, official merchandise, MEGAFUN, and family areas?
Except for paid stages, all other activity areas are free to attend and do not require a wristband.
Is there a baggage check area at the event?
Yes, a baggage check area is planned each year at P3 Warehouse. One item can be checked per person for a fee of 50 NT.
The service hours are:
2023/04/01 (Sat) 08:00-23:00 (no overnight storage)
2023/04/02 (Sun) 10:00-23:00 (no overnight storage)
Valuable items and personal identification should be kept with you at all times. The organizer is not responsible for any loss or damage.
Is there a smoking area at the event?
A designated smoking area will be provided at the event. Smoking is prohibited in all other areas of the event. Please do not litter cigarette butts.
Can I ride a bike or skateboard at the event?
The Pier-2 Art Center has bike lanes, but during the Megaport Festival, the large crowds and stage areas make it inconvenient to ride bikes or skateboards. Riding bikes or skateboards is also prohibited in all stage areas. Additionally, there are no secure areas to park or lock bicycles, so it is not recommended to bring them into the event.
Are there any restrictions on food and drinks?
Indoor stages such as Dragon King, Ocean Waves, Na Pochio, and Laurus Canus prohibit food and drinks, and please do not place food or drinks at the entrance of the stages.
Are there water refill stations?
Yes, there is one, but please bring your own container. For wristband holders, it is 10 NT per refill, and for non-wristband holders, it is 20 NT per refill.
If you do not have a container, eco-friendly tableware can be rented at the event.
Can I bring my pet to the event?
Pets are generally allowed except in indoor stages, but please be mindful of the large crowds and take care of your furry friend.
What should I do if I feel unwell or suffer from heatstroke at the event?
Please seek medical assistance at the nearest first aid station.
I love the decorations and flags in the venue, can I take one home?
No! All decorations in the venue are assets of the organizers. Please do not take them without permission. The organizers reserve the right to take legal action.
Are you recruiting volunteers?
There is currently no plan to recruit volunteers for MegaPort Festival. We hope that music lovers can focus solely on enjoying the music and atmosphere at the festival. Please help us enjoy the performances that we ourselves would love to see so much that we might go on strike!
Will there be booths available for lease? How do I sign up for a booth?
Booth leasing for this event is being organized in partnership with UberEats and ChuWaiRen Market, and recruitment has already ended due to full capacity.
For proposals related to other booths, please contact megaportfest@gmail.com.